Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Pat Robertson

Pat Robertson, leader of the Christian Coalition, says the United States should assisinate Hugo Chavez.

Where, exactly, in the New Testament does Jesus say we should kill people?


Anonymous said...

Most of these "religious" people don't know what the Bible says about anything. They pick and choose certain scriptures to support their views of the moment and ignore the rest because it doesn't fit their agenda. I'm afraid some of them never even read it.

Anonymous said...

I wouldn't say Pat Robertson doesn't know his Bible. He's been in the business long enough to know the thing pretty well, I'd say.

The real problem here is that he's getting old, possibly a bit crazy, and he has an absolutely enormous and rapt following. This can be quite dangerous. As many others have already pointed out, we're accustomed to a domestic outcry when some Muslim cleric calls for death to so-and-so. We should be equally concerned about Mr. Robertson's influence upon hundreds of thousands of devoted Christian viewers.

I fired off a respectful but firm email to Robertson's network, CBN, as soon as I'd heard about his remarks. I recommend that more people do the same in the future. Hopefully his handlers will get the idea that this sort of loose cannon behavior is likely to cause more harm than good, and will put more effort into governing his on-air behavior.
